Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Magnetic Fields cd:"Distortion"

The music group the Magnetic Fields is truly one of my favorite bands. Although some people may find some of the lyrics written by Stephin Merritt to be a little disturbing or a lot disturbing depending upon your taste. There latest CD "Distortion" I found only one song that I liked,"California Girls". The rest of the songs were just "not my cup of tea". The lyrics in some of the songs contained a great deal of hatred toward religion,especially the Catholic faith. I sincerely
hope that this trend does not continue down this path in the future. S.Merritt is a brilliant writer and composer of some very beautiful music;such as,"The 6th's wasps' Nest",is filled with nothing but great songs with the exception of song number two "Aging Spinsters" because of the two lines
"when the Jesus freaks collapse from the weight of their claims". I can only hope that one day he will turn out another great CD like the "Wasps' nest".
Friday,July 31, 2009 In the song,"Too Drunk To Dream",there are several references
to God;such as, "and God knows that ain't cheap". In that line,the word God is capitalized but
in another line "Oh my god,where did I go wrong"? Furthermore,the last two lines of the song
are a refrain of the line,"and God knows that ain't cheap" and God is capitalized in those two
I'm confused, is it just a typo or something else considering Stephin Merritt doesn't believe
in God. I am basing my opinion(that he doesn't believe in God) on the content of some of
his previous songs that he has written.
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